-Usually these films start off with a normal setting and ordinary characters with an ordinary life then as the film progresses, more activity occurs and more tension is built up until the final moments when the characters lives are either ended or put at risk.
-However some paranormal horror films may show past events in the openings of the films which is exactly what we are doing and then the threat moves onto another set of characters to destroy in their lives.
-Others may show glimpses of a future event and move on to show the build up. This is often because all the characters die in the film.
-Paranormal horrors are all based around the fear of the unknown, therefore, to begin with, all paranormal activity occurs behind the characters backs or just out of sight or when they are at they're most vulnerable- when they're sleeping.- Although, some activity may occur right in front of a certain character to provoke them. this character is usually a child. This emphasizes how helpless children are in comparison to their parents and also as they are the only ones who have seen the activity first hand, no one believes them- This is also another thing people fear. Not being able to get help or comfort when they're scared to death. Children are also not very fast, not very strong and don't know any better (They are easy targets)- some paranormal entities may attempt to hurt the child while others may try to befriend the child and turn them against their parents. Certain signs will also be shown throughout the first half of the film (before the real action happens) to make it clear that the thing that is haunting them, is in fact a threat and is deliberately trying to hurt them.
these signs could be;
In a lot of paranormal horrors, the main characters film everything themselves and this provokes the paranormal as they apparently don't like being caught on camera.
these signs could be;
- doors shutting behind them
- lights flashing or being put out
- scratches on the walls (generally comes in threes as a mockery of the father son and holy spirit)
- banging on the walls and doors (Also generally comes in threes)
- anonymous bruising and cutting on the characters
- dangerous appliances being turned on
- breakables and meaningful belongings being violently thrown or knocked down- Like photo frames or special plate sets passed down through the family for generations...
In a lot of paranormal horrors, the main characters film everything themselves and this provokes the paranormal as they apparently don't like being caught on camera.
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