Monday, 15 December 2014

Our Pitch!

Below is the power point me and my group created for our horror film pitch. It includes information about the main idea for the opening, middle and end of the film. It states what our main inspirations were. The location we chose to set our opening in and the costumes/appearances of the main characters with reasons why we chose their costumes. Also, our target audience and the results we received from our questionnaires that helped us to decide the age rating of this film and finally the way we are going to distribute our film and why we would like to do it this way.

The feedback we received from our peers was quite helpful to us. The 2 points we found that they mentioned most were;

1. To make the antagonist look more menacing- We decided that to achive this and keep with the themes of our film, we would show only his silhoutte in the opening of the film and then throughout, we would make him look more demonic, like mama.

2. And to let the audience find out that the little girl is actually a ghost, towards the end of the film- we were thinking of doing this this anyway but we were toying with the idea of revealing this in the middle of the film and using it as a a turning point for the story line.


 These are all the things we focused on when looking for the pictures on this mood board
  • we are going to set our horror movie opening in a grave yard
  • the antagonist is viewed as a silhouette standing up against a tree
  • the little girl carries a stuffed toy and flowers
  • the little girl wears a white dress
  • there is also an old abandoned building near the grave yard we will be filming our opening in 
  • the little girl is a ghost, trying to pretect her living friend and her family

Our Target Audience Poster

We wanted to aim our film at an audience between the ages of 18-25 as the main character would most probably be more personal to them, however we've decided to move the age group down to between 15-20 because according to the results we gained from the questionnaires we created and sent out, paranormal films are more suited to ages 15+ due to their maturity and higher understanding of what is real and what isn't. This is also the age where most people start to question more about what is real and what isn't, which makes them think about the unknown and therefore emphasises the fear factor as humans are known for being scared of what they don't know.

Sound Analysis of horror films!

Analysis of the conjuring- "I know where you're hiding" scene;
   The background music is calm and quiet which indicates that everything is calm and quiet in the house, this gives the audience a false sense of security so they don't expect what happens next. The dialogue and footsteops is enhanced to emphasise how quiet it is in the house, it also indicates that they are the only ones home. The sound effect of the wardrobe doors opening is also enhanced to draw the audiences attention to the wardrobe, however, the sound is still quite quiet and this adds an eerie effect to what is happening in the scene- the creeking of the wardrobe dorrs also adds to this eerie effect. When the hands emerge out from the wardrobe, the sound of the coathanger clattering together is also enchanced to make it obviouse to the audience that something is moving in the, but the movements are slow and the music in the backgorund is monotone but then as the hands come out, the music gets slightly louder and finally the clap is also enhanced. At this time, the background music quietens down again but deosn't stop. As the sound of the clap contrasts with the music, it creats a very eerie feeling for the audience that something is not right. Then the mother's chuckle and the following dialogue, "I'm gunna getcha now" contredicts her whole character and forshadows what happens later in the film. However, the way she speaks is still that same calm and loving motherly voice as she doesn't know that there is anything out of the ordinary or that she could potentially be in danger, she still believes that she's talking to her daughter. Her words are also very ironic. "I'm gunna getcha now" suggests that she's going to get them, when in actual fact, they come to get her later in the film. Shortly after, we hear the person in the wardrobe breathing as if their either scared of the mother as she's coming closer to them or they're mocking her as she says "I'm gunna getcha." Finally, the daughter comes running into the room excitedly shouting her lines at her her mother and giggleing- She speaks loudly, this contrasts with the fading music in the background and indicates that the whole thing is over... Until next time...

Monday, 1 December 2014

Horror Audiences!

Why do people watch horror films?Horror films entertain people in a different way to comedy films which are designed to make people laugh or action films which entertain people with a different kind of thrill to what horror films give, allowing the audience to experience events which possibly wouldn’t happen in real life or would put their lives at risk, a life where you have no limits and no boundaries. Horrors have what is called the “fear factor” which is what excites people and gives them a surge of adrenaline which people get out of fear and enjoy- this is the same kind of thrill that gets people on roller coasters. There are many types or horror films with what they call sub-genres. These sub-genres also have conventions within them. The sub-genres and conventions help to cover all the themes of horror films. Horror films are made up of people’s fears, but everyone is different and this is why there are so many different types of horror films. The sub-genres and conventions just help to categorise and cover everything within the horror genre.

What is Horror Audience profiling? Production companies use audience profiling when they’re making a film or programme for a certain type of audience. They do this make sure the film or programme contains the right amount of content to keep the audience interested (Making sure it’s suitable).

AS Media Feedback- Representation